Artist Statement

THE INVISIBLE LANDSCAPE - Paintings From 2012 - 2021

Throughout my life, I have relied on the natural world to provide me with a sense of hope, peace, and belonging. I find that an exchange between nature and self works to remind us of the continuous flow of matter and energy that is all around us. Joy and magic seem to abound in the mysterious places that are just on the edge of our five senses. Science has helped us to broaden our sensory spectrum using method and technology, allowing for both greater understanding and greater unknowns. I believe it is in wonder and mystery where science and art find their greatest shared space. As an abstract painter, I rely on color and intuition to describe theories and ideas rather than using mathematics and data, but my goal is the same, to know ourselves as an integral part of our dynamic universe.

The Invisible Landscape Series paintings are playful explorations of the structure of the cosmos and the overarching influence of fractal geometry. I use circles, line, and pattern to represent the substance of existence. Using simple geometrical shapes, I build an environment in much the same way atoms build matter or solar systems build galaxies. I mix scientific theory, fact, and observation, drawing on the parallels and consistencies found throughout nature. I reference cell structures, atomic particles, plants, cymatics, and geological and cosmological design. Combined with my imagination, I offer the viewer a window into another realm, a landscape of the invisible world constructed from it’s tiniest parts.